
We are so excited you will be joining the UNE family. Use this information as a guide for important next steps for your fall enrollment.
Graphic of a laptop open to a webpage with the word Enrollment at the top
Step 1


提交入学保证金 来保证你在新班级的位置. Your enrollment deposit includes a $300 tuition deposit and a $200 campus housing deposit. 一旦收到您的入学保证金, you are eligible to complete the Housing and Dining contract. 

After June 1, 2024, all deposits are non-refundable and accepted on a space-available basis.

Step 2


By filing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®), 所有类型的援助都会考虑你, 包括助学金和奖学金, 联邦贷款和联邦工读. 正规澳门赌场网络的校号是002050.


Contact Student Financial Services at (207) 602-2342 or sfs@adinoxin.com 了解更多信息.

A group of four students wearing matching blue plaid flannels stand around Stormin' Norman
Step 3


Whether you know for sure you're a future Nor'easter or you're still considering your options, our accepted students events offer a unique way to explore UNE and help with your college decision.

View all our 新也不发生 accepted students events

Step 4



正规澳门赌场网络有三年的居住要求. Once we have received your enrollment deposit, you are eligible to complete a Housing and Dining Service Application and Contract 选择室友和宿舍的偏好. 如果你知道你想和谁一起生活, you also have the option of inviting friends to be part of your roommate group. Housing assignments are made in priority order based on the date we receive your application. Roommate groups can be created until the end of June and you will be informed about your housing assignment in mid-July. 了解更多正规澳门赌场网络正规澳门赌场网络校园生活的信息


除了你的住房申请, consider applying for a Living Learning or Themed Living Community. These are specialized experiences for incoming students that want to live in an environment with a central theme, related to either a shared identity or field of study. You can learn more about Living Learning and Themed Living and complete this form to apply for a 2024-2025 community.

Three U N E students stand near their bunk beds in a dorm room


作为住宿学生, 你会被自动分配一份膳食计划, 所以没有单独的应用程序来完成. The plan includes a set number of meals per week in the dining hall, 灵活的校园餐饮支出, and Nor'easter Dollars for select off-campus restaurants in the area.

You can change your meal plan at the beginning of the semester. For more information about the dining facilities and meal plans visit 餐饮服务.


For more information contact the Office of 住房和居住/通勤生活 at housing-office@adinoxin.com 或(207)602-2272或查看我们的 FAQ on housing assignments, room amenities, and helpful tips for living on campus.

Step 5



A new student happily passes orientation papers to a staff member

Orientation prepares you for the academic, social, and personal aspects of university life. You’ll make connections and get the important information you’ll need to start at UNE. Attendance is required for all incoming undergraduate students, including first-time college students and transfer students.



Two U N E students pose while rock climbing during a trailblazer pre-orientation trip

In addition to orientation, you have the opportunity to sign up for a Trailblazer trip. 通过这些校外活动, 你会遇到朋友, faculty, 当前的学生, and professional staff in a smaller group setting well before school begins. 我们为所有兴趣的人提供各种各样的节目.


Register for 2024 orientation and trailblazer trips


For more information contact us at (207) 602-2447 or orientation@adinoxin.com or see our 新生常见问题解答.

Simple illustration of a student badge with a profile photo and signature
Step 6


Be sure to submit the following information to the 本科招生办公室:

  • 正式的高中成绩单
  • 大学先修课程分数(如适用)
  • Official transcripts for college classes taken for credit


For more information, contact the 本科招生办公室 at admissions@adinoxin.com or (207) 602-2847.

Simple illustration of paperwork with a health cross at the top of the first page
Step 7

Submit Your Health Forms and Update Your 紧急联系人


As a new student, you are required by the State of Maine and UNE to submit the following:

Health forms

Complete and submit the following forms, which can be accessed at the 学生健康中心网站.


  • 文理科学生免疫接种表
  • Immunization Form for 健康的职业 Students
  • Physical Form
  • 健康保险卡的复印件

作为一名正规澳门赌场网络的学生, 你必须有健康保险. 您可以选择:

  • 通过UNE购买健康保险
  • 放弃UNE计划,如果你已经投保

All forms are due by July 1 for new students starting in the fall. If you have questions, contact Student Health Services at (207) 602-2358 or visit the 学生健康中心网站.


We want to know who you'd like us to contact in case of an emergency on campus, so we require that all students provide an 紧急联系人 before the start of the year. Your primary 紧急联系人 should be a parent or guardian, and you are welcome to list multiple people if there is more than one person we should contact. Log in to U-Online 然后点击“个人信息””, “Settings”, and then “Update 紧急联系人s” to complete this step.